Tapping the Well of Idiocracy

Den bästa hemsidan någonsin var vad vi hittade - Glöm Wikipdia, glöm susning.nu, glöm nationalencyklopedin. Här har vi Wikiality "The Truthiness Encyclopedia" . Styr kossan hitåt nästa gång ett skolarbete sitter och skriker i bakgrunden så kommer du garanterat ha den roligaste uppsatsen i klassen.
Här kommer Calles definition av hemsidan: "Wikiality är till Wikipedia vad Amerikansk politisk mentalitet är för demokrati. En sängkammarfars bland dramatenuppsättningar eller en katt bland hermelinerna. Amerikans media har hittat oss och visar sitt smått galna ansikte från sin baksida."
Vi fortsätte och sökte eftter USA, this is what we found: ATTENTION: This Page is for Real Americans™ ONLY If you are not a Real American™, pack your bags and report to GITMO.
Definition av GITMO; Guantanamo Bay = "Gitmo is a special place where people who believe the wrong things go to clear their heads or just relax and not think"

Besök alltså http://www.wikiality.com and stay tuned for more interesting facs from the world of nothingism
.*Här efter följer utdraget om det svenska ordet lagom:
Lagom – an example of the Swedish language Definition of “lagom”: Not too much nor too little, not perfect nor average. This word only exist in the Swedish language, and it is the definition of the Swedish mentality. Let us put it into a sentence.
Q:** “ How often do you have sex?”
A:*** “Lagom often.”
Q:“ Are the orgasms good?”
A: “They are lagom good.”.
These answers doesn’t really tell you anything, except that there is nothing to complain about, from the asked persons view. He or she doesn’t have too much sex nor do they have to little either. The orgasms are not bad but they are not too good. The frequency of sexual intercourse and the quality of the orgasms is all so lagom from the perspective of the Swedish society. If the general Swede has sex two times a week and you have it six times a week you don’t have a lagom amount of sex. This means you have to stop having sex that often or get every other Swede to fornicate tree times as often as they do now. Since it would take a lot of your time to get everybody else to get laid your sex frequency would at ones become lagom once more. Better then to stop having sex so often. But be careful so you don’t have sex an average amount of time because this is not lagom - it´s too lagom, and if something is too anything then it’s not lagom.
För de inte så intelligenta där ute så följer här lite förkortningsförklaringar
**Q Question
***A Answer